Young And The Restless Scoop December 6: Aunt Jordan Returns – Lily And Devon Make A Decision About Nate – Nikki Goes To An AA Meeting

Young And The Restless: Aunt Jordan gets settled in Genoa City

Young And The Restless: Aunt Jordan gets settled in Genoa City

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, December 6 reveals Aunt Jordan (Colleen Zenk) will prepare to unleash more havoc on the Newman family.

Also coming up, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) and Devon Winters (Bryton James) will make a decision about Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic). Plus, Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will admire Nate’s powerplay on Victor Newman (Eric Braeden). And after another mysterious phone call, Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will attend an AA meeting.

Y&R spoilers tease Lily will see the scratches on Nick Newman’s (Joshua Morrow) face, watch as he winces, and she’ll ask  him what’s wrong. But Nick will say he’d rather not talk about it. So, Lily will ask him about Newman and Nate. She’ll say the Newman family seemed to assume Nate’s intentions were bad. But Nick will tell her they weren’t good and it was a power play on Nate’s part. “I think you dodged a bullet with Nate the first time,” he’ll add. “I don’t know why you’d invite that kind of threat back into your business.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Nate Asks If They’ve Made Their Decision

Then Devon will arrive and tell Lily Nate has definitely burned bridges at Newman. But Lily will say she’s torn. “What if this power play to reinstate Victoria came second to his concern for Victor?” she’ll ask. “When he was a doctor he always put his patients first.” However, Devon will say he’s not a doctor anymore. “I guess we turn Nate down,” Lily will reply. “Or maybe we’re the only ones who can save him from himself.”

Y&R Scoop: Nate prepares to hear Lily and Devon's decision

Speaking of Nate, Tucker will approach him at the GCAC bar. “I heard about your bold move to have Victor committed,” he’ll say. “Fantastic.” But Nate will tell him he was just trying to protect Victor. “By sending him to the looney bin?” Tucker will reply. Then he’ll add he knows Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) offered him a role in their new venture. However, Nate will say he’s not interested and after Tucker leaves, he’ll get on the horn to Audra.

When he shows up at her room, he won’t be happy to see Tucker there. After Tucker leaves, Audra will ask Nate what he wanted to talk about. “What the hell are you cooking up with Tucker?” he’ll ask. So, Audra will say they’re making a move on a company and he’d come in after the fact.” And when Audra tells him it’s not Chancellor Winters, he’ll be shocked when he realizes it’s Jabot. “What are the Abbott’s to you?” she’ll ask. “It’s not like you have any other options.” But when Nate gets a text from Devon, saying he’s ready to talk, he’ll tell her maybe he does. So, Nate will arrive at Crimson Lights, and he’ll ask his cousins if they’ve made a decision. Lily will say they have and she’ll advise him to sit down.

At the ranch, Nikki will drink another shot of vodka. She’ll hear Victor approach, grab a mint and pop it in her mouth. She’ll also hide the shot glass in her purse. Victor will walk in and hand Nikki her cup of tea. “My sweetheart, I know what’s going on,” he’ll tell her. “You’re not fooling me.” He’ll say he knows she’s been putting up a brave front.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Can’t Go Down That Road Again

Nikki will admit she’s struggling. “I try not to blame myself, because I know where that kind of self pity can lead”. Victor will tell her his affair with Eve Howard, all those years ago, is what brought this on. Then Nikki will say she’d better get to her meeting. He’ll offer to go with her but she’ll say she should go alone. After Victor leaves, Nikki will get a call and once again, she’ll hear strange music.

Y&R Scoop: Nikki attends an AA meeting

She’ll head to her meeting and during her testimony, she’ll tell the participants what happened to her, after being sober for more than four years. “I didn’t take the first drink,” she’ll say. “The second, and the third, I took those. I am terrified, I cannot go down this road again, so I am here.” After the meeting, Nikki will open her purse, see the shot glass inside and drop it in a garbage can.

Then Nikki will meet Victor for lunch and she’ll get another call, but she won’t answer. When Victor asks her about it, she’ll tell him about the strange calls. “Maybe it’s that Jordan woman trying to get into your head?” he’ll suggest. They’ll go downstairs and Nikki will hum the tune to the piano player. And once he begins playing it, she’ll tell Victor it was the song she danced to when she was a stripper. “This woman that I have never met before, knows how to get to me.”

Finally, in a Genoa City motel room, Aunt Jordan will walk in and shut the door. She’ll fling her hat on the bed, pull off her sunglasses and smile.

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2 Thoughts to “Young And The Restless Scoop December 6: Aunt Jordan Returns – Lily And Devon Make A Decision About Nate – Nikki Goes To An AA Meeting”

  1. Anonymous

    Thank you very much, great read. Young and restless comes on channel 11 with directv and they don’t carry Y&R anymore, so I’m going with one that does

  2. Anonymous

    Not Tucker

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